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Life Lately !

Happy Thursday ! This week has flown by and I'm not a bit mad about it. I ventured out to Home Goods this week looking for Valentine's Day table decor. It was pretty picked over and not much left on the shelves, however I did happen to buy myself a cute little heart mug. If I tell you how happy drinking my morning coffee from a cute mug makes me, you'd probably laugh ! This and a candle is all that I left with.

Yesterday Mia had pyjama day at school. Her aunt Tia went to Target and bought her this cute pair of pajamas ! What little girl doesn't love her a unicorn ?

Oh how these two kiddos love breakfast. I typically make them bacon, eggs and pancakes and occasionally hash browns.

I took a little break from Instagram this past week. I get into the comparison game ! I know..... we all do it in some form. I just needed to allow myself the break from the App and it was a much needed break. I love following the women that I do and they are all amazing. Some of them I know personally and some are actresses or actors and others are influencers that I found randomly. If you struggle with the comparison game do yourself a favor and log out of social media for a short time. Read, clean, organize or simply fill up your day with anything else but social media. It helped me re energize ! We need to do what helps us personally and this helped me.

Enjoy your evening !


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