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Making a Simple Arrangement !

January is always challenging for me. Who am I kidding, February is too. So something that I find not only relaxing but helpful in cheering me up on those cold cold days is arranging a bouquet of fresh flowers. We have an excellent floral shop at Baker's and it's usually my favorite go to for flowers. I debated on whether or not to add tulips however, I decided this time to keep it all green. I bought some eucalyptus and a few other little things of greenery ( I don't have the name of the other green leafy stuff). Once I got home I immediately took them out of the plastic, cut the ends of each stem (at an angle) and filled my vase with Luke warm water. Over the years I've collected many vases, I decided the clear taller vase was perfect for this bouquet. What do you think of the final product ? It's simple, inexpensive and brightens up my home !

I love the smell of eucalyptus and having a vase or two throughout my home always adds such a wonderful smell to our rooms.

If you are feeling blah and need a bit of happiness grab some flowers from your local supermarket. Once you're home simply follow the steps that I did and voila, you'll have a beautiful vase of flowers to look at.

Have a wonderful Friday !


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