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Our Sweet Girl is 10 months old ~

Our baby granddaughter is 10 months old today ! Born on Sept. 23rd 2019 a day I'll always remember. I was there when your mama was in labor, I was there when you were delivered. You are the most loved baby girl ever. I get to keep you several nights a week while your mama works her overnight job. You are getting better at sleeping through the night, most nights you wake up once but quickly go back to sleep. Thank goodness ! I've been having fun picking out pretty summer dresses for you at one of my favorite thrift stores. They have a wonderful selection, it's tempting to not buy them all because they are just that cute.

Your big sister and brothers adore you ! Ameer was a bit jealous when you were born but he's gotten better and secretly you're his favorite !

You are crawling like a PRO, you are climbing, you recently climbed on to the top of your moms couch, you try to stand up all by yourself, you love playing with your siblings, you love to snuggle and that may be my favorite thing ever. You enjoy being rocked while I sing to you and you enjoy sitting out on my little patio with me in the evenings.

I bet anything that you'll be walking next month ( August) you are getting so close.

We love you baby girl !


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